Sentence Counter


Reading time
Speaking time

This online Sentence Counter instantly and accurately counts sentences, words, characters, paragraphs, and estimated reading and speaking time of your content. 

Automatically counts sentences

Super easy to use

100% free

Unlimited use

No annoying ads

Doesn’t store your data

One-Step Sentence Counting 

To start, simply paste the text in the box above, and the sentence counter will count everything in real-time. There is no second step—no need to click buttons. You can also manually add and edit the text inside the box–the tool lets you redo and undo text in real time. 

Use the sentence counter as many times as you may want without any charges. 

Free Sentence Counter to Automatically Track: 

  • Sentences
  • Words
  • Characters
  • Paragraphs 
  • Reading Time
  • Speaking Time

Why use this Sentence Counter?

This online sentence counter is 100% FREE to use, and everything happens in real-time. You will see results instantly after you enter the text in the box. 

You can even use it as an editor to manually enter and edit text. It supports undo and redo functionality–use ctrl+z to undo changes and ctrl+y to redo the undone changes. The tool will instantly change the count as you make any edits inside the text box. 

Key Features:

  • Sentence Counting: Instantly calculate the number of sentences in your document.
  • Word & Character Counter: Keep track of words and characters for precise editing.
  • Paragraph Counter: Understand the structure of your writing.
  • Speaking & Reading Time Counter: Plan your presentations and articles effectively.

How accurate is this Sentence Counter?

Our sentence counter uses advanced algorithms to accurately analyze and count sentences, words, and paragraphs. We constantly update our tools and technology to provide more accurate and instant results. 

Does the Sentence Counter store any of my data?

No, the tool doesn’t store your data. Everything happens in real-time, and your confidential and sensitive information remains secure. Once you close the session or the browser, the text you input in the tool is not retained. 

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