10 Good Concluding Sentence Starters (With Examples)

Concluding sentences refers to the closure of paragraphs. Although this concept is largely understood by academics and students; however, writing a concluding sentence is deemed a daunting task. Ineffective concluding sentences disregarding the final remarks on the topic at hand. Hence, it is critical to write effective and readable concluding sentences. The key points of each paragraph should be highlighted and evident, and should not have additional information that was not mentioned in the body of the paragraph. 

How to start a conclusion?

A conclusion can be taken about in several ways. All conclusions and concluding sentences carry the capability of customization in accordance with the content under question. Hence, different styles are required according to the content. Following are some ways to summarize your content.

Summarize all the points

This type of conclusion is regarded as impersonal. This means, the content should be summarized in some lines, and the main point is sent across to the reader. Moreover, under this, a personal tone is not required. It can be practical and effective for a better understanding of the reader. Hence, it can be employed in argumentative essays. 

For instance, a conclusion can go as follows: “Subsequent to viewing the staggering statistics, urgent actions are required. In order to bring the situation into control, the required step is awareness amongst the masses. Carpooling and public transport may not ensure instant results, but they can be good projects for long-term service and implementation. Compromise and contemporary action can reduce greenhouse gases and avert the coming climate change crisis”.

Personalizing summaries

The produced work can also be on something individuals are passionate about, hence, it can be concluded based on their opinion and voice. In this manner, the conclusion also becomes memorable and is effectively employed in terms of persuasive essays. The following example can help individuals use their thoughts in their writing.

“With the rising population fear is that there is not enough time to take measures and avert this situation. Action is required right now. Yes, we will encounter compromises, such as leaving early to catch the bus and going longer distances due to carpooling. However, we need to look at the bigger picture here. Such small initiatives can heal the planet, and avert the coming climate change crisis.”

Averting the conclusion to a complimentary issue 

In this process, writers can divert their essay to a new issue, which is associated with the topic in question. For instance, upon the question of rising drug consumption in youth, the conclusion speaks on the role communities plus schools can offer to help kids combat these issues. As a result, the readers will appreciate your unique point of view. This notion can be summarized in a text as follows:

“The new statistics deduce that, within some years, every single house will have more than two cars. As a result, the climate change crisis will be further escalated, and the number of greenhouse gases in the air will increase substantially. Hence, the government and related agencies should carry out awareness campaigns, so that people know what crisis is coming their way. Through awareness, it will be easier for everyone to follow directives and act accordingly. Success can only be undertaken if everyone in the community is a part of the part. Hence, everyone should pledge to adopt a responsible lifestyle, and ensure strides towards ensuring a safe planet for the future generations”.

What not to write in a conclusion 

The samples written above provide us with the three types of conclusions. These conclusions carry the power of providing a strong ending to essays and paragraphs, however, there are also things that writers should be mindful of. The following factors should be avoided whilst writing a conclusion.

  • Make sure you are not dragging the conclusion. It is a requirement to be to the point. 
  • The main topic of the work should be incorporated in the conclusion, however, the employment of different words should be undertaken. 
  • The last sentences should be more creative as opposed to the rest. This makes sure that the readers remain aware of the ends as well. 
  • Overall, the use of decorative language should be avoided. 
  • Whilst writing about a complimentary issue, the writers should not diverge from the main topic under question. 
  • The conclusion should be a summary of the entire essay. Meaning, that certain paragraphs should not be highlighted, instead, every paragraph should be incorporated. 

 List of 10 good conclusion starters

Since the readers are now aware of how to write a good conclusion, it is also critical for them to know some conclusion starters. Following are 10 good conclusion starters, with examples. 

1. While concluding, I would like to say…

Example: While concluding, I would like to say that, with the rising population fear is that, there is not enough time to take measures and avert this situation. Action is required right now. Yes, we will encounter compromises, such as, leaving early to catch the bus, and going longer distances due to carpooling. However, we need to look at the bigger picture here. Such small initiatives can heal the planet, and avert the coming climate change crisis.”

2. To conclude… 

Example: To conclude, the new statistics deduce that, within some years, every single house will have more than two cars. As a result, the climate change crisis will be further escalated, and the number of greenhouse gases in the air will increase substantially. Hence, the government and related agencies should carry out awareness campaigns, so that people know what crisis is coming their way. Through awareness, it will be easier for everyone to follow directives and act accordingly. Success can only be undertaken if everyone in the community is a part of the part. Hence, everyone should pledge to adopt a responsible lifestyle and ensure strides towards ensuring a safe planet for the future generations

3. To sum up…

Example: To sum up, I would like to say that, with the rising population fear, there is not enough time to take measures and avert this situation. Action is required right now. Yes, we will encounter compromises, such as, leaving early to catch the bus, and going longer distances due to carpooling. However, we need to look at the bigger picture here. Such small initiatives can heal the planet, and avert the coming climate change crisis.

4. Finally, …

Example: Finally, subsequent to viewing the staggering statistics, urgent actions are required. In order to bring the situation into control, the required step is awareness amongst the masses. Carpooling and public transport may not ensure instant results, but they can be good projects for long-term service and implementation. Compromise and contemporary action can reduce greenhouse gases and avert the coming climate change crisis

5. Lastly…

Example: Lastly, the new statistics deduce that, within some years, every single house will have more than two cars. As a result, the climate change crisis will be further escalated, and the number of greenhouse gases in the air will increase substantially. Hence, the government and related agencies should carry out awareness campaigns, so that people know what crisis is coming their way. Through awareness, it will be easier for everyone to follow directives and act accordingly. Success can only be undertaken if everyone in the community is a part of the part. Hence, everyone should pledge to adopt a responsible lifestyle and ensure strides towards ensuring a safe planet for future generations.

6. In conclusion…

Example: In conclusion, I would like to say that, with the rising population fear, there is not enough time to take measures and avert this situation. Action is required right now. Yes, we will encounter compromises, such as, leaving early to catch the bus, and going longer distances due to carpooling. However, we need to look at the bigger picture here. Such small initiatives can heal the planet, and avert the coming climate change crisis.

7. To finish off…

Example: To finish off, subsequent to viewing the staggering statistics, urgent actions are required. In order to bring the situation into control, the required step is awareness amongst the masses. Carpooling and public transport may not ensure instant results, but they can be good projects for long-term service and implementation. Compromise and contemporary action can reduce greenhouse gases and avert the coming climate change crisis.

8. All in all…

Example: I would like to say that, with the rising population fear is that, there is not enough time to take measures and avert this situation. Action is required right now. Yes, we will encounter compromises, such as leaving early to catch the bus and going longer distances due to carpooling. However, we need to look at the bigger picture here. Such small initiatives can heal the planet, and avert the coming climate change crisis.

9. In the end…

Example: In the end, the new statistics deduce that, within some years, every single house will have more than two cars. As a result, the climate change crisis will be further escalated, and the number of greenhouse gases in the air will increase substantially. Hence, the government and related agencies should carry out awareness campaigns, so that people know what crisis is coming their way. Through awareness, it will be easier for everyone to follow directives and act accordingly. Success can only be undertaken if everyone in the community is a part of the part. Hence, everyone should pledge to adopt a responsible lifestyle and ensure strides towards ensuring a safe planet for future generations.

10. So as you can see…

So as you can see, subsequent to viewing the staggering statistics, urgent actions are required. In order to bring the situation into control, the required step is awareness amongst the masses. Carpooling and public transport may not ensure instant results, but they can be good projects for long-term service and implementation. Compromise and contemporary action can reduce greenhouse gases and avert the coming climate change crisis.

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